Signs & Symptoms

Gastroparesis is a motility disorder where the stomach does not empty food as quickly as it should. Motility describes the movement of food and fluids through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. GP has a significant impact on GI tract motility and is a debilitating condition. The resulting symptoms with GP can vary from mild to severe and in some patients can be life-threatening due to secondary conditions such as malnutrition.

The signs and symptoms of gastroparesis may also differ among persons with the condition. Symptoms usually occur during and after eating a meal.

Gastroparesis Symptoms:

Abdominal pain – dull to sharp pain in the upper stomach area that occurs inside the belly, often in the stomach or intestines.
Nausea – a feeling of sickness felt in the abdomen, stomach, chest, or head with feeling the need to vomit.
Vomiting – bringing food back up from the stomach into the mouth.
Early satiety – feeling full after only a small amount of food.
Reflux – a burning feeling in the esophagus. The esophagus is the tube that connects the mouth and stomach.
Regurgitation – bringing contents up through the esophagus from the stomach.
Unintentional weight loss– Losing weight without intentionally trying to.

Learn more about GI Motility

Gastrointestinal (GI) motility is defined by the movements of the digestive system, and the transit of the contents within it. When nerves or muscles in any portion of the digestive tract do not function with their normal strength and coordination, a person develops symptoms related to motility problems.

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