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Gastroparesis Awareness Month Recognized in the Senate

On August 23, 2018 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (WI) submitted an extension of remarks on behalf of the millions of Americans affected by gastroparesis recognizing August as Gastroparesis Awareness Month. Below are her remarks.

Statement for the Record

Senator Tammy Baldwin (WI)

August 23, 2018

Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I would like to call attention to the estimated 5 million Americans suffering from gastroparesis in observance of National Gastroparesis Awareness Month in August.

Gastroparesis is a chronic digestive disease in which the stomach cannot empty properly in the absence of any observable blockage. Symptoms of gastroparesis, which include nausea, vomiting, and the inability to finish a normal-sized meal, can lead to malnutrition, severe dehydration, and difficulty managing blood glucose levels. This debilitating and sometimes life-threatening disease can affect people of all ages, but it is four times more likely to affect women than men.

While there is no cure for gastroparesis, some treatments, such as dietary measures, medications, procedures to maintain nutrition, and surgery, can help reduce symptoms. Unfortunately, gastroparesis is a poorly understood condition. Patients often suffer from delayed diagnosis, treatment, and management of this disorder. As such, further research and education are needed to improve quality of life for the millions of Americans, including thousands of Wisconsinites who suffer from the disease.

I want to recognize the important efforts of the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders. IFFGD, an international organization based in my home State of Wisconsin, as well as other patient organizations, in providing education and support to help those affected by gastroparesis.

In an effort to improve our understanding and awareness of gastroparesis, I urge my fellow colleagues to join me in recognizing August as National Gastroparesis Awareness Month.

Thank you.

To view the statement on click here.

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